Tuesday 16 November 2010

How to Manage your Inbox Effectively

In my attempt to share some of my knowledge with others, I have made a short videoclip about managing inboxes. It is one of the issues I know many people struggle with. There are tools on the market that are supposed to help with managing the inbox, such as categories and flags, but I find they are lacking in effectiveness. Rather, they make reading the inbox even more complicated. I use a system which is based on scheduling and actioning. If done right, it means an empty inbox and does away with the need to remember things. Below is a short instruction video which explains the principles of the system.

This should give you a lot to work with. If executed well, it will help you manage your email. This way of working can be transferred to other areas such as tasks lists or snail mail. If you are interested, but feel that this video hasn't given you enough, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Wow, thank you, Hilde, for such an easy to implement system, I am going to start doing it right away!

    Do you do the same things for your client's email boxes?

    Great video!

  2. Christine, Thanks so much. It's been quite something putting it together. I'm happy someone thinks it's useful.

  3. Hi Hilde, I love this! this is even more specific then the google/gmail way. I love learning new and effective ways to do things, this is one tactic that I will surely implement and merge with my own. THanks!

  4. Hi Susanne, Gr8 Video, & Thanks for sharing those tips. Our development team has been working on a unified communication tool called Unified Inbox www.unifiedinbox.com which lets businesses keep all the stuff like Email Accounts, IMs, Voice Mails, Snail Mails, etc at one place. Would like to know your thoughts on such a system.

  5. Sandy, Thanks for your comments. Very much appreciated. I'd be happy to comment on your product. Get in touch with me via hilde@hildeandsusanne.net
