Sunday 30 January 2011

Do you bring the candy?

I never leave the house without candy, and I will tell you why.
At school there were the popular kids, the unpopular kids and a few loners. It was easy to become popular, by bringing candy and giving it to the leader. That way you´d fast become popular as well - even if you had red hair or glasses. Glasses never stopped anyone from becoming influential. Being popular, by the way, is not the same as being good. Very often they were the ones who beat up on others, didn´t do their homework and who smoked. 

I see the same behaviour in grown-ups, in business and in politics. Alliances are made by way of sharing in the profit - candy. Presidents are elected by the shool kids who want lower taxes - candy - and are happy to compromise. The WEF in Davos is one big schoolyard. World leaders seeking business leaders to join for their causes. There has to be something in return, of course.

It doesn´t necessarily need to be a bad thing. If Bill Gates donates millions to polio vaccins and others join in to share a bit of the glory, it can do no harm.

I hated the schoolyard and remember being appalled at the behaviour of the popular kids and how good they were at making you feel small. Likewise I am appalled by politics. But if there is one thing I´ve learned about politics and human behaviour, it is that we don´t evolve beyond the schoolyard and that is one of the most useful things to know: I never forget to bring the candy.

What are your schoolyard experiences and what did you learn there?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Hilde, I can't believe you're closing your blog as I've only just found you!

    Thanks so much for your wonderful comments over at mine. It's hit me harder than I thought losing my aunt. It's very hard and I haven't felt like blogging much. Before that I blogged pretty much every day. Life goes on though.

    This post made me laugh. I used to get given lots of sweets so I gave most of them away in the playground.

    Hope you're having a good weekend xx
