Sunday 2 January 2011

Obligatory New Year's Post

Of course I want to write one, a year-end-year-beginning post. I see them everywhere and it's only to be expected that I would write one as well.

The past year has been one of major change. We changed country, climate, home, diet, lifestyle and work. Work involved a change of mindset, but only slightly. I read a lot about how people who go from employment  to self-employed need to change their mindset. From employee to business-owner. Some claim that only a paradigm shift makes a business successful.
I cannot get my head around that as yet. The motto of the last company I worked for was 'Enterprise First'. Clean, clear and basic. And that's what I felt like when working for this company. What I did was in the interest of the company, knowing full well that when I did well for the company, employees would also benefit.  
That's what I continue to do. I do well for my company and it will do well for me.

Hopefully 2011 will be a year of further change. I hope to expand my customer base and I hope to do this on the basis of the quality of the work I deliver.

I wish the readers of this blog the very best as well. May they prosper and be happy and healthy.

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