Saturday 11 September 2010

Another blog doomed?

I am just wondering if I'm blogging for the right reason. I am not a writer by nature and it takes quite some effort for me to write the short pieces. I am blogging to get my website and my services noticed. And that is not easy.
I like to read blogs. I visit many every day, especially fashion blogs. I like fashion and I like the brevity of trends. And that brings me to my blogging again.

I see many blogs that don't last. The writers start full of enthusiasm, but don't last. Blogs that haven't been updated for 3 months are never visited again - at least not by me. And blogs I followed and liked, that have just disappeared. And I'm even thinking about blogging in itself. Will it last? There are thousands of blogs, hundreds of thousand.  Are they just a trend, or will the good ones survive? 

So, I'm hoping that I will keep getting the inspiration and getting the visitors and hopefully the faithful readers.

For now I leave you with a picture of something that inspires me.

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