Wednesday 22 September 2010

Networking also means meeting friends - part II

Today was a very exciting day in many aspects. We are trying to get our family to live together here in Spain. Today we found a very nice apartment for my Mum, right next door to our's and we live a stone's throw (literally) away from my sister. This is really good. It was a serious case of networking. My brother-in-law once owned a bar. One of his staff lived in this apartment building well over 5 years ago. We looked her up, she found the owner of the apartment and - coincidence or not - the apartment was vacated yesterday and is available now.

Another thing that is most exciting is that I've spent time on Skype with a colleague from overseas. She's a colleague because she is in the same business as I am, not because she's in the same company. We are both business owners, virtual assistants. Our field of expertise is different, but our challenges are the same.
We got together because we were both looking for a mentor/mentee. We found each other via a forum. She is in the US, I am in Europe, but borders and oceans don't bother us, since everything is online. It was a very pleasant conversation, and I am sure we will be able to help each other with what we are looking for.

When we moved here about 6 weeks ago I thought working at home might be lonely, especially in the beginning.  This time spent with a colleague showed me the possibilities of the 'virtual' world. The world has different dimensions and life is good! 


  1. You might think it`s all al coincidence but as you say it`s clearly networking at its best..

  2. How lovely to be in Spain and be virtual! Perfect combination xx

  3. Thank you both. I try to do more regular posting
