Thursday 16 September 2010

The Danny Brown Blog Challenge

Over the past few days I have been spending time again on finding out more about blogging, twitter, facebook, linkedin to grow my business.

I came across and his 7 day blog challenge. It looks to be a good challenge and I wanted to comment on his blog post - which for the life of me I couldn't manage. The technicalities of posting a comment were beyond me I guess.

However, I will take him up on the challenge and find a new blog out of my normal blog routine, comment on it (if it will let me) and highlight them in some way, either on here or in a twitter or so.

I hope I will learn something through doing this. Learn more about the blogging world, learn how to use the Lifefyre, and who knows extend my network a bit.

Leaving you with a picture which incorporates my previous and my future life.

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