Wednesday 15 September 2010

Oh no! My internet is down

One of the things a virtual assistant completely depends on is of course the internet. It is something we just cannot live without.

Yesterday when I had to pop out for a lunch appointment I was really in the middle of a quite urgent task for one of my clients. I took my Ipad with me so that I could be updated and run back home if I had to. I never thought about the fact that the location where I was going didn't have wifi. Having my Ipad gave me such a secure feeling I never even realised I needed more than just the Ipad.

And this morning my internet was down. Oh no!! I immediately blamed the Spanish provider, the way a Nothern European does: you see they are useless, I can't work like this - you know the drill. And it was already 09.00 and how was I going to serve my clients?
I called the provider and got a message that the internet was indeed down and they were doing all they could to repare it. And within 15 minutes it was fixed.
As it turned out I hadn't received any important emails and my state of panic had been unnecessary.

It was an eye opener. How dependent have we become on the internet, and also how it just sometimes doesn't work. Even if you are in an office this happens, even in The Netherlands.

Sometimes it's just good to let things be the way they are............

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