Wednesday 29 September 2010

It is going the right way

Over the last week I have been very busy and things are going very well for me. I have a lot of work, my blog has got some comments (!!! - thank you very much comment posters, I really appreciate it) and Twitter is getting me some results.

Working virtually seems to be easier than I thought it would be. I say "seems" as I don't want to sound as if I've got it all under control. 

I did mention the tools that I use already in an earlier post. Skype is a great help, it easily connects me to my bosses. Exchanging views via email is also very doable. It takes some writing skills I find. In an email it is easy to just type away the way one would speak.  I take more time to reread my emails to make sure it is clear.
Other tools are for example DropBox to share documents and plain old-fashioned telephone.

I have a good feeling about this, and I'm continuing to learn about tools and effective communication. I hope you will be continuing to read my blog and post comments.

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