Monday 6 September 2010

SEO - my website hit Google

SEO. I hadn't even heard of it when I started my website. But the Virtual Assistant Forum started giving me an insight into SEO. And now, here I am trying to figure out what is what and why and how. Metatags and code and all these things that are very difficult for me to understand.

But then, I did a search on Google. Virtual Assistant Services: I'm sure I might be there somewhere, but perhaps on page 10102. However, on the Dutch pages of Google, our website comes up first!! 
And when I type in our names (Hilde van den Braak and Susanne Wesselink) we both come up on Google (.com and .nl) and on Yahoo. I know MSN is important, but my MSN comes up with Dutch politicians and I'd really rather avoid them.

I also understand that a blog is rather important as an SEO tool, and I'll be blogging away as much as I can. I'll have to learn to see if my Google blog is well coded enough to do what it has to do. The other thing is of course, to see if my blog is interesting enough. I would therefore be very grateful if those reading this blog could leave a comment with some input.

Whether or not I'm ever going to get a job via my website, I really cannot tell. But, I might as well try.

To make this blog a little more interesting, I want to post another picture. A picture I found when searching the web. I love it so much. It's an ice cream tulip. What could be better than that. Tulips are my favourite flower and who doesn't love ice cream!

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